a simple substanceの例文
simple substance
According to Champat Rai Jain, " Soul is a simple substance and as such immortal. Is the soul a simple substance? Uranium is a complex element that is in a constant state of transformation......

a man of substance
Nice gestures indeed, but King was a man of substance. Friedgen is a man of substance, both intellectually and physically. "He's a man of substance. Dr . King was a man of substance. Bradl......

a person of substance
As a person of substance, style counts with Lemelin. It is now one that voters expect to be filled with a person of substance. If you are not a person of substance, you might be recommende......

a plastic substance
They contained a plastic substance that resembled explosives, attached to detonators. The remaining bodies were difficult to remove because a plastic substance had melted and glued them to......

a substance
It said that he has never again failed a substance abuse test. The blackness might be caused by a shadow rather than a substance. Acrylamide is clearly not a substance one wants to find in......

a woman of substance
Ishwarlal's wife, Charulata is a woman of substance. She is Barbara Taylor Bradford, a Woman of Substance. As a professional, she is a woman of substance. Bradford is the author of " A Wom......

abrasive substance
Art is sometimes etched into glass via the use of acid, caustic, or abrasive substances. "' Glass etching "'comprises the techniques of creating art on the surface of glass by applying aci......

absorbing substance
-To help reduce moisture, include packs of moisture-absorbing substances. The most important light-absorbing substance in the oceans is chlorophyll, which phytoplankton use to produce carb......

absorption of substance
Absorption of substance

accessory substance
Accessory substances are often present such as usnic acid and salazinic acid. "Vermilacinia " is also unique in the Ramalinaceae for producing the diterpene ( " )-16 ?-hydroxykaurane ( c......

acid-causing substance
Acid - causing substance

acid-forming substance
Acid - forming substance

activated substance
The US patent application states " it could be shown in a pilot study that an in vitro administration of anti-human CD28-SuperMAB induces in a rhesus monkey in vivo a profound activation o......

activating substance
The US patent application states " it could be shown in a pilot study that an in vitro administration of anti-human CD28-SuperMAB induces in a rhesus monkey in vivo a profound activation o......

active substance
Nanocapsule types vary by size, drug concentration, and active substance release time. Administration of the identified active substance has shown inhibition of toxic Eacherichia coli. The......

acute phase substance
Acute phase substance

ad substance
In Washington, Democratic National Committee spokesman Rick Hess declared the ads substance-free, and filled with " platitude after platitude full of warm and fuzzy words ."

added substance
:I think intelligence is the added substance; stupidity is the base. The action levels discussed above with respect to poisonous or deleterious substances address these added substances. H......

additional substance
Instead of deleting it, I suggest we try to provide additional substance. For the Inventory of Hazardous Materials required by the EU regulation, there are additional substances listed as ......

additive substance
Heroin use was also being surpassed with methamphetamine, which unlike heroin, is not severely cut and reduced in potency with other additive substances. Section 409 of the 1958 Food Addit......

adhered substance
The bead and adhering substance is then heated in the lower, oxidizing, part of the flame, allowed to cool, and the colour observed again. Due to the porous nature of bones, few adhering s......

adhering substance
The bead and adhering substance is then heated in the lower, oxidizing, part of the flame, allowed to cool, and the colour observed again. Due to the porous nature of bones, few adhering s......

adhesive substance
NFL rules prohibit slippery or adhesive substances from being used on uniforms. They do this by secreting a strong adhesive substance from glands on the antennules. This layer forms in the......

adrenergic substance
After World War II he worked in the laboratory of Prof . UG Bijlsma in the area of adrenergic substances and in 1950 both in the field of chemistry and medical doctorate.

adsorbed substance
Elution the removal of an adsorbed substance in a chromatography column or ion - exchange column using a solvent ( eluent ) , giving a solution called the eluate